Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 18th Group Training Session

"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Longfellow

Tonight's group training session started under cover of cloud. Undaunted, we pressed forward with smiles on our faces!

Before the group arrived, Moody and I test drove the new Battling Ropes. Wow! We are so thrilled to have discovered this amazing, yet unheralded, training method before a lot of other people. We thrive on unique ways to train the entire body, and this does just that. The entire body. Not just the forearms and the grip. You will definitely feel this one head-to-toe after just a few minutes. I'm still feeling it now!

When the group arrived, we were thrilled to see some of the girls back from last week, and gladly welcomed in a few new faces. After a brief introduction we took to the track. I set the pace and the group followed suit. We switched between athletic skipping, sideways shuffling (both sides), and backwards running. Just one lap to get us nice and warm! After a full-body stretch it was onto the workout:
Striking drill; straight punches, hooks, body shots, and knees were thrown in crazy combinations at different speeds.
Sets of animal walks; human, bear, crab, duck. A shuttle run (human style) was performed in between each set of the animal walks. Walks (and runs) were performed in groups of three.

Crunches; five styles, 25 reps each. I think it's safe to say that everyone was feeling the burn.

Tabatas; alternating rounds between squats and walking lunges.

Tabatas; 4 rounds of push ups, 4 rounds of mountain climbers.

At that point the sky started to rumble (okay, it had been rumbling for awhile) and the rain really started coming down so we called it quits. And just when we were starting to have fun! Despite the early wrap-up, we still got in a good 45 minute workout and we were all sweating and feeling it by the end. The attitude of the group was amazing, and they put in a fantastic effort despite the drizzle and grueling work. Guys, without your enthusiasm none of this would be possible. We hope to see these group sessions get bigger and bigger, because the bigger they get, the more fun we can have! Anyone wanna play Gaga??

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